Posted on 08/06/2020 by the Promote This Team.
Right now we see a lot from travel and tourism company’s. Attention on your business will be at its lowest unless you’re proactive with your advertising.
Whilst there are a lot of people focusing on the bad, there’s still a great deal of people who don’t allow the bad to control their actions. Be there for them.
Aldo be there for those who are focused on the bad, be a brand that offers compassion and reassurance not one that joins in on toilet roll jokes.
If you usually run industry conferences to generate new accounts, start to run them online – people can attend safely with piece of mind. The online room is never too big to fill.
In the meantime, consider running smaller, localised events. Even better, use the spend to leverage digital channels more aggressively.
Seek advice of the right digital strategy. One that fits within your company’s goals and one that carefully considers the industry and environment.
If your company is in e-commerce, really focus on your marketing funnel. Creative content, the audiences and the perfect deployment strategy is what will help keep your business afloat.
Take this opportunity to establish new relationships and nurture them keeping them primed for the next upswing.
If your business is predicated on great service levels, keep your customers updated if you suspect any changes to your supply chain. It’s one thing prospecting new customers, it’s another thing retaining them.
Amidst the glum, there is definitely opportunity. The long and the short of it is that right now, communication has never mattered more and its up to you to leverage it.